The 1:1 Intensive
A 6 month exclusive 1:1 high level coaching program guaranteed to minimize pain, maximize time in the gym, and help you get your shit together so you can get back to feeling like an athlete again.
By Ty Training
Let’s create a training program built for YOU and YOUR life!
You’ve spent long enough devoting time to others.
Now it’s YOUR turn!
I help you put the pieces together that will lead to you finally looking, feeling, and moving like an athlete again.
My 5 step method to success!
Start with a full assessment.
This helps me address what you NEED in order for you to get the results that you WANT.
I’m going to hold you to a higher standard. I’m going to challenge you to learn HOW you should be moving.
Moving well is a non-negotiable when training for longevity, and training with me.
I’m here to help you take responsibility.
I help you discover WHY you are training so you can start holding yourself accountable.
Self-knowledge and honesty around navigating pain and injury will be addressed.
I pay attention to the little things: the phase of life you are in, how much time you can dedicate to training, nutrition, stress, and sleep habits.
I set up a program WITH you to address all of YOUR needs. It’s time to start paying attention to the little things. What phase of life are you in? How much time can you truly dedicate to your training? What do your nutrition, stress, and sleep habits look like?
We will take a hard look at how your lifestyle impacts your training so that you can truly get the most out of your time spent in the gym.
Together we will come up with the best plan for YOU to get to where YOU want to be as fast as possible.

Why the 1:1 Intensive system is a guarantee!
Listen, I’ve been around the game for a long time (19+ years). I spent 17 years on the training floor seeing people once or twice a week and then just sending them on their way to battle through it the rest of the time. So many sessions were missed due to parent/teacher conferences. Clients would struggle through 2 week vacations with no definitive plan in place. The cost of it all was astronomical.
It’s just NOT THE WAY!
When I transitioned over to being a remote coach I was able to see the beauty of delivering 1-on-1 programming this way. I get to support my clients so much more. I get to provide in ways that I never thought possible. I get to truly make an impact and help you to become the athlete that you once were.
So much more is possible and I am HERE FOR IT!
I believe so deeply in this 5 step method that I guarantee your success.
Follow the steps and you WILL stop feeling like just a Mom and start feeling like an athlete again!
Does this sound like you?
You’re ready for a change, but not sure where to start.
You’re ready to “get back out there” and play again.
You're scared of getting hurt while trying to get fit.
You've been trying to workout but are in constant pain.
You’re struggling to be consistent on your own.
You can commit to doing it the right way!
Then The 1:1 Intensive is for you!
What are people saying?
“I've gained strength and mobility in areas that previously limited my movement. The range of motion in my left knee has drastically improved which has reduced pain and given me access to exercises I previously dreaded and avoided.”
“375 for a lifetime PR tonight!! Been waiting for this one for years so super stoked to finally get it. Training with @ty_training has been killer and feeling stronger than I have probably ever.”
“Ty was able to pick up on issues and imbalances I wasn’t even aware of that were impacting my movement! There were many moves I had been doing incorrectly for years that I’ve since been able to correct. Addressing these issues has helped me feel so much stronger during my workouts and all of my little aches and pains have gone away.”
“As a PT, I feel like I’m picky about who I trust to train me. I LOVE the way Ty looks at movement and the message she sends to her clients who are real-life people with other important things going on besides dieting, working out, and being lean.”
“I was looking for someone to kind of help me build my strength back up in my body and get control of some stuff I’ve been having going on. It’s always great to get an outside perspective and someone else listening and looking at your body, her feedback she has given me has been amazing.”
“My back pain is getting better!!! Thank you!!!! I went to a massage therapist and a chiropractor for months and months. And I’ve made more progress since I’ve started training with you in a month!”

If you…
Are sick of looking in the mirror and not recognizing who you see…
Are fed up with aches and pains…
Long for the days of old…
Want to impress your kids…
Are ready to commit to better.
Then YOU are who I’m looking for.
I want this FOR you.
But I need YOU to want it MORE!
What do I mean by video review?
Watch the video.
“Ty is an incredible coach. I learn more in my three minute responses to my training videos than I ever could've imagined. What a game changer!”
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I be working with you on Zoom?
After you complete the initial assessment we will set up a zoom call to review the findings and make sure that we are on the same page when it comes to your program. After that you will do all of your training on your own time, hen and where you can, and submit videos for me to review. Once a month we meet over zoom again to review the previous month’s training and make sure everything is covered for the following month.
What equipment do I need?
You tell me what you have access to and we build a plan around that. Depending on your goals and how well you are moving, your “need” for certain equipment may change. This will be taken into consideration during each of our meetings.
How many times per week will I train?
My main goal is for exercise to enhance your current phase of life. If you have the time, energy and recovery in place to commit to more sessions per week, let’s do it. If you need to spend less time in the gym, we maximize your time spent and train with the time you can give. Either way, results will happen.
Do you do nutrition plans?
We will cover basic nutrition. Sometimes the simplest changes can have a huge impact. However, if it is drastic nutritional help (macro counting, custom meal plans…) I will refer out to a nutritionist that I trust.
How is the program delivered?
The 1:1 Intensive is a digital program. You will get your programming through True Coach and receive a detailed recorded video on your movement and any corrections that need to be made. Within the app we can keep track of your progress with each and every workout.
How do I know this will work for me?
When you enroll in the athlete intensive we build a program for YOU! There is no template. Results come from doing what YOU need to do to get to where YOU want to be.
I'm a beginner, can I do this? Is this too advanced for me?
Start where YOU are. I don’t give a shit about what Suzie can do. This is YOUR program. We start at YOUR beginning.
Do I have to do CrossFit?
If you don’t want to you don’t have to. If you do want to, we can do that, too. This is about getting you back to training the way that YOU wan to train.
I'm currently doing another program, can I do this too?
This is an intensive for a reason. In order to get the best results this should be the only training program that you follow.
I have some weight to lose, will this help?
Within this program we address lifestyle habits as well as training. We take a deep dive into all the factors that could limit your progress. If you commit, you will get the results that YOU want.
When are you opening coaching spots again?
Next chance to enroll will be September 2022.
What's the time commitment for this?
1 hour per month for zoom calls. 3-6 hours spent training (dependent on what you can comfortably commit to). 1 hour per month watching video feedback.
I’m ready! What are my next steps?
Click on the link to complete the application. I will be in touch within 48 hours to let you know if I feel this is a good fit and if I can help you. I only accept those I feel will truly benefit from The 1:1 Intensive and achieve great results. If your application is approved, I will set up a 15 minute discovery zoom call to explore the possibility of working together.
My mission is to help you.
My degree in Sports Medicine was just the start of my journey to personal training. I’ve been doing this long enough to see fads come and go. “Functional training” has completely transformed (a few times) since I started. When you’ve been doing this as long as I have, you start to see through the bullshit. You start to develop a framework for what REALLY works.
The human body is fascinating. It can push. It can bend. It can even break. And yet, it will continue to serve you. I help you figure out what it needs so it can do great things for you.
I have spent almost 2 decades building a database of knowledge using myself and past clients as the subjects. I know what works but more importantly, I know what DOESN’T work. I take the knowledge I gained from my degree, 19+ years of personal training, and a lifetime of personal experience with fitness and put it to work helping people JUST LIKE YOU.
And you know the best part? The second you start seeing the changes IN the gym, pieces start falling into place OUT of the gym. This is the real reason for doing what I do. To build total strength. Not just big muscles.
This is a very personal relationship and I need to make sure we fit!!