I’m Ty.
Mother. Wife. Dog/cat mom. Puerto Rican. Type A. Life-long athlete.
I am THAT person. The one that worked out her entire life. Did gymnastics growing up. Played volleyball and softball. Never shied away from a weight room.
Got a degree in Sports Medicine and began my career as a personal trainer in 2003. Then, in 2009, I found CrossFit. What was this? This new blend of heavy lifting, with handstands, with running (though not a fan of this part). I dove in DEEP! I was good at it. And I drank ALL the kool-aid. I still do it. I still love it. I’ll do it forever!
I also realize the incredible privilege I have with this. I found something that I was good at and I ran with it (pun intended). But you know what? I can teach you to be good at it, too. I can teach you how to move. I can teach you how to fix yourself. I can teach you how to approach your training as a part of your life that enhances your day-to-day. Do I think you NEED to do CrossFit to accomplish this? Nope. Do I think you CAN do CrossFit? Absolutely. Do I think you SHOULD do CrossFit? Entirely up to you.
What I DO know is the only real way to get strong and stay strong is by being patient. By being humble. By taking the time to learn how and why you really want to train.
Let’s do that!
What People Are Saying
All the challenges of CrossFit with the expertise and close eye of a super knowledgeable coach are making me fitter, stronger, and healthier - and for the long run. My membership in Ty's FOCUS program is the best investment I make each month.
Ty was able to pick up on issues and imbalances I wasn’t even aware of that were impacting my movement! Addressing these issues has helped me feel so much stronger during my workouts and all of my little aches and pains have gone away.
One of the highlights of my day is getting Ty's feedback and looking forward to the next session to implement it.
Ty has an immense amount of knowledge and is one of if not the best coach I've ever had.

Now is a great time to start doing something FOR your body, not just TO your body.
Wanna chat?
Not sure what would be best? Want to know if we vibe? Just wanna bounce some things off me?
Sign up for quick call.
If I can help, I will. If I can’t, you bet your sweet ass I probably know who can.